Join us on the 6th of December to our workshop organised in the framework of REDI4HEAT project!
During the event we will provide an overview on the last updates regarding Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Directives on heating and cooling sector, and how this will impact local and regional authorities in the coming years. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange with speakers and audience on the topic.
The workshop is part of a series of webinars of the Hub “Fossil-free districts & buildings”, a community space led by Energy Cities, with the aim of ensuring our energy system’s stability through diversified local renewable energy sources, strong energy public services & improved energy efficiency & sufficiency. This hub has the willingness to coordinate efforts to improve financial, technical, and human capacities for cities; it represents a good opportunity to explore local and national legislation as well as public actions to trigger the energy system’s decarbonisation while putting in debate the questions of governance, energy public services, and ownerships.
This event follows several other ones from the EU-funded project Decarb City Pipes 2050 which explore fossil-free futures for cities, from heat planning to multi-actors process and implementation.