REDI4Heat project intends to support the implementation of the RED provisions on heating and cooling and assist Member States and local authorities in that process.
A new European project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE Programme.
The EU-funded REDI4Heat project, which kicked off on 13-14th October 2022, gathers 12 partners from different countries, has a duration of 3 years.
The project intends to support the implementation of the RED provisions on heating and cooling and assist Member States and local authorities in that process. It will provide a better understanding of the shortcomings in current strategies and propose to address these with a set of recommendations, which shall include Strategic Policy Priorities for Heating and Cooling, Policy Adoption Scenarios, best practices, among other.
These actions will be complemented by capacity building events in five target Members States and by the development of a Knowledge Sharing Platform and toolboxes for public authorities at national, regional and local level. This work will be carried out by representatives of national energy agencies, renewable heating and cooling trade associations, a network of local authorities and energy consultants.
Furthermore, the partner’s networks will be exploited to activate the replication potential of this initiative and reach non- participating Member states so that they can also access and adopt the outcomes of the REDI4HEAT project in their Energy Transition Strategies.
The project will be coordinated by the Center For Renewable Energy Sources (CRES). In total, the Consortium consists of 5 Research Centres and Agencies, 6 Associations (5 of which Trade and Industry) and 1 private company.
The Partners gathered by the project share an excellent insight of the RES heating and cooling sector and have great experience in shaping policies and providing support mechanisms for the whole RES heating and cooling sector, making REDI4HEAT the unique umbrella network that unites the heat-producing RES and represents the entire RES sector for heating and cooling.
REDI4Heat is a project funded through the EU LIFE Programme, under grant agreement N° LIFE27 101077369.
For more information, you can contact Vassiliki Drosou, Project Coordinator, CRES – or Ms Francesca Tamburrini, EU Project Officer, EHPA –
This project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE programme under grant agreement N° LIFE27 101077369.